By Orbital wrapper | 22 June 2022 | 0 Comments
MDF wrapping machines and packing solutions

Comparison with natural woods:
Compare to natural wood, the MDF does not have any knots or rings which is more uniform than the natural woods during the cutting and service. But, the fibres of MDF are pressed together tightly through the sheet so the MDF is not entirely isotropic. The typical MDF has the hard and flat surface which is smooth and make it became the most ideal material for veneering. The MDF is featured with more uniform density throughout the thickness of the panel.

The package of MDF requires to be tight and fully sealed for preventing the moisture and dust from contaminating the MDF products. Emanpack has both orbital stretch wrapper and shrink wrapping machine for this packing solution. The large orbital spiral wrapping machine designed to wrap large bundles of MDF. The Shrink wrapping machine is the thermo shrink machine which can make very tight and transparent package for the MDF panels.

The strapping machine is for fasterning the large bundles of MDF panels. The strapping material can be both PP or PET. The strapped bundle is not easy to scatter and it can be before the packing or after the wrapping.
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